
Load balancers feature comparison: Envoy vs HA Proxy vs Nginx

Baseline of features is fron Nginx here.

FeaturesNginxHA ProxyEnvoy
Load balancer+++
HTTP/TCP/UDP support+ (TCP/UDP Nginx Plus)+ 
Layer 7 request routing+++
Active health checks+ (NGINX Plus)++
Session persistence+ (NGINX Plus)+- (couldn’t find it)
DNS service‑discovery integration+ (NGINX Plus)++
Content cache+++
Static/Dynamic content caching++- (couldn’t find it)
Web server/Reverse proxy+++
Origin server for static content+--
Reverse proxy: HTTP, FastCGI,
memcached, SCGI, uwsgi
HTTP/2 gateway+++
gRPC proxy+++
HTTP/2 server push (explanation)++ - (couldn’t find it)
Security controls+  
HTTP Basic Authentication+++ with ext. modules
IP address‑based access control lists+++ with ext. modules
Rate limiting+++
TLS 1.3 support+++
JWT authentication+ (NGINX Plus)+/- needs
an extension
Extended status with
90 additional metrics
+ (NGINX Plus)+ solid metrics+ good metrics
High availability (HA)++ 
Active‑active and
active‑passive modes
+ (NGINX Plus)+ 
Configuration synchronization+ (NGINX Plus)Needs pro version 
State sharing: Sticky‑Learn session
persistence, rate limiting
+ (NGINX Plus)++
Extensibility+ using Open REST+ using Lua+
Dynamic reconfiguration
without process reloads
+ (NGINX Plus)++
Streaming media+--
Live streaming: RTMP, HLS, DASH+--
VOD: Flash (flv), MP4+--
Adaptive bitrate VOD: HLS, HDS+ (NGINX Plus)--
MP4 bandwidth controls+ (NGINX Plus)--
Third party ecosystem+++
Kubernetes Ingress controller+++
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