
GSOC: Week 5

This weekend I focused on finishing the first part of the project (eeg data analysis pipeline) and making the user facing GUI. Regarding the GUI, this week was mainly for planning and I managed to create a skeleton architecture. During this week I also had to fill in the Phase 1 evaluations.

What I did this week:

  • Implemented SVM,Random Forest and Gradient boosted tree classifiers
  • Created hand-made prototype for the application
  • Created the skeleton of the GUI application and uploaded it to a new github repository
  • Implemented the initial screens of the application using Java Swing
  • Created a plan for the next stage

What I aim to do next week:

  • Implement screen for creating new users and uploading new directories
  • Test how to load data from Hadoop and see how to combat the likely lag because Hadoop server is on a remote server


  • None
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